CFA Registered Silver and Golden Persians
Regional Award Winners & Grand Champions
DNA certified PKD Negative Cattery
Health Guaranteed

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Silver Estate is a small, cage-free cattery in southern California that specializes in the sweetest and most beautiful silver and golden Persians you can find. This is not a business or how we make a living; our breeding program is a true labor of love and it shows in the quality and temperament of our kittens. Our silver and golden kittens are loving, playful, and easy to groom. We always strive to breed our cats to the CFA Show Standard but often get kittens that do not meet the Standard; those kittens are for sale as pets to loving homes. Occasionally, we offer for sale, kittens to other silver and golden breeders with small breeding programs and to those who also enjoy exhibiting.
All of our silver and golden cats and kittens are registered with The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) and are raised underfoot in our home with love, patience, and personal attention. Even though we live in Southern California, kittens can be lovingly and safely transported to all areas of California, Nevada, Texas, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon, and all other states within the U.S. and Canada with their very own professional pet nanny.
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